Cancelling your subscription with Tempo is easy. Our flexible subscription allows you to skip orders or cancel your subscription at any time, for as long as you need. Please note that following these steps below will effectively cancel your subscription with us, but if you'd like to start receiving meals again, you may log back in and reactivate at any time.
To cancel your subscription, simply log in, click Account in the upper right corner of your dashboard, and click on the Account Settings tab. The option to pause your subscription can be found on the bottom of the navigation tabs on the left.
If you're using the mobile app, click Account on the bottom right, select Subscription and then select Pause My Subscription at the bottom.
You'll be asked to share your reason for pausing. Please note that your cancellation is not complete until you reach the cancellation confirmation screen and receive a confirmation email.
Be sure to log in and cancel your subscription before the Wednesday 12PM Central deadline if you do not want a delivery for the upcoming week.
When you’re ready for another order, simply login & the site will prompt you to “reactivate” before placing your order.
When you sign up with Tempo, your first order is scheduled automatically. Keep in mind that cancelling your subscription will not cancel your first order or an order that’s already been processed. If you have questions or you need help cancelling your first order, you can contact our support team here.
For information on changing your subscription frequency, check out: How do I change my subscription frequency?